Graphic Designs

For the Kontor collection, graphics need to be designed in order to texture wrap around the 3D modelled products. I aim to create these in Adobe Illustrator, then transfer the textures onto the models to be placed into Blender for the final outcome.

To start, I decided to hand-draw some initial ideas for graphics. I have used various design features such as geometric shapes, and further experimented with tessellation, size, shape, orientation and abstract placement. Below are the scanned drawings:

1 2

The next step was to start producing some computerised graphic using Adobe Illustrator to reproduce some of the above initial ideas, and experiment more. Below are the first ideas:

Green Pentagons Orange and Yellow Shapes

The first graphics I produced use geometric shapes vastly. Further to shape, colour is experimented with, using one or two colours, then experimenting with opacity and shade. The first image is purely hexagons, and second experiments with a 5 shapes. Both ideas are very ‘fussy’ to look at, therefore I do not believe that they would make good wallpapers, and may look unprofessional and ‘childish’ to be placed as textures on products.

Grey Hexagons Grey Random Triangles Grey Triangles

Above are the next lot of graphics I designed. They still use geometric shapes, however, don’t overcomplicate the style. After analysing the results from the survey which targeted potential consumers, a general consensus was that colours of ‘grey’ and ‘silver’ was preferred and looked aesthetically pleasing to consumers, therefore would attract them more resulting in sales. Therefore, I decided to stay with the grey colour, to later experiment in Blender with metallic aspects to create an enhanced and professional look.

GOOD Grey Stripes GOOD Grey Triangles

Above are more experiments using different shapes of grey, with repetition in shape. These graphics are very bold and therefore would be suitable for one off products and feature walls.

After evaluating the designs above, I decided to continue developing graphics, however, keep content to a minimum, and create more ‘simple’ designs that follow a more aesthetically pleasing approach with a professional looking outcome. Below is a design I have created in Illustrator, and a graphic which I have chosen to use as the wallpaper in the Kontor collection.

GOOD White Triangles

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